Real name: Takayoshi Muramoto
Showa 25, Aomori Born in Kuroishi City.
I am influenced by my father who makes everything by appointment, and lives a life to draw pictures from childhood.
I will apprentice to Tsuneo Yamasaki, a relative Nebuta who is also a relative to become a Nebuta master of Kuroishi City by taking advantage of drawing skills to draw.
As a sushi craftsman, I opened a sushi bar. I wear young nebuta craftsmen and sushi craftsmen two pairs of grass.
It is said that the number of awards as Nebuta has won 100 lifelong awards, and it is said that Muramoto Eisuke had created the character of "Kuroishi-shi Neputa's delicate and dynamic feeling", Aomori It is said that it had a big influence on Nebuta style as well.
Currently I wash my feet from Nebuta and act as a painter of ink, but Houen’s Nebuta's gene has been taken over by his son, Nebuta Master, Shingo Muramoto.
The Aomori Nebuta Festival is a summer festival held from August 2 to 7 at Aomori Prefecture Aomori Prefecture, with more than 2 million tourists visiting each year. It was designated as an important intangible folk cultural property of the country in 1980.
Nebuta has a tradition that can not be a Nebuta Master of Aomori Nebuta Festival unless it is from Aomori city.
However, in the history of Neptune, it was the only person who received an offer from Aomori city and made Nebuta as Nebuta in Aomori City as a native Nebuta other than Aomori city.
昭和25年 | 青森県黒石市大字上十川 出生 |
昭和45年 | 黒石ねぶた制作 |
平成4年 | 黒石市青山に津軽ねぶた工房設立 |
平成12年 | 明治神宮鎮座八十年大祭奉祝(ねぶた献納) |
平成14年 | 青森ねぶた制作(に組・東芝) |
平成20年 | ねぶた制作 休止 |
平成20年 | 第36回全日展書法会国際公募展出品 水墨画(信越放送賞受賞) ねぶた制作 休止 |
平成21年 | 第38回全日展書法会国際公募展 出品 水墨画(全日展芸術賞 受賞) |
平成22年 | 第39回全日展書法会国際公募展 出品 水墨画(国際美術賞 受賞) |
平成23年 | 第40回全日展書法会国際公募展 出品 水墨画(青森県知事賞 受賞) |
平成24年 | フランス・マノスク国際学校に赴き水墨画指導 |
平成25年 | 速描実演お披露目(祥雲龍吉天)日本画寄贈(マノスク市役所) マルセイユ日本国総領事館水墨画寄贈(祥雲龍吉天) |
平成26年 | 第23回全国公募展 北木展(石川県金沢市)(特別賞)中国大使館賞受賞(タイトル史情) |
平成27年 | 第24回全国公募展 北水展 北國新聞社賞 受賞(タイトル冬化粧中野山) 縄文の学び舎 小牧野館 村元芳遠作品展 |
平成28年 | 水墨画パフォーマンス(速描・席画の実演) 小牧野遺跡のしくみを使った水墨画教室 |